I thought someone was gonna reply saying that! Too late to edit my previous post now.
I didn't mean people who haven't got money at all, I meant folk who live on the margin. And, this is me assuming, but I don't think it touches you personally, please correct me if I'm wrong ("Austria is one of the 12 richest countries in the world in terms of GDP (Gross domestic product) per capita").
Of course you somehow afford broadband and pay for it every month... but if you're living from one payment to another, you prioritise things(Food, water, heating etc...) and you might not have any cash left to spend on games, and if you do get some cash left there's always a lot more important things you may require to get, or pay for.
So technically you could argue if it's "don't wanna spend" or "cannot afford", circumstances can be different, it's argueable but the fact is you might constantly not have the money for it.
Don't forget that the price of LFS license in some countries can easily be pretty much 1/8th of your monthly wage! Rather than 5 hours of work on minimum wage (here in Scotland)